11. Gemology
Gemology is the study of gemstones. Gemstones are the symbols of wealth, power, healing, and love. They are desired for their beauty, rarity, value, durability, tradition and portability. It is a branch of mineralogy that is concerned with the study of gem materials, including identification and testing methods, cutting and polishing synthetically manufactured gems, precious me
The first step in learning about gems is its categorization. The next step is to learn the terminology of gemstones and then their physical and optical properties, and how those properties are used to identify gems. After getting the background one can proceed into gem identification. Studies relating to this field are gem cutting, sorting, grading, valuation and identification of gemstones, fashion, computer pattern designing, jewellery making, consultancy regarding stones, selling etc.
While Gemologists study the quality, characteristics and value of gemstones, Jewelers typically do the handiwork required to produce a piece of Jewellery. Gemologists identify the gems and advise the jeweler about the compatibility of gems to particular me
In India the Gems & Jewellery scenario is undergoing a positive change with diamonds and stones like Tanzanite, Tourmalines, Peridots dominating the consumer preference. At the same time traditionally preferred Gems like Rubies, Sapphires and Emeralds have maintained a consistent position. From the trade point of view Gems & Jewellery has been one of the biggest foreign exchange earners for India. It is therefore, highly necessary that people associated with the trade, receive training and carry out the operations scientifically and professionally so as to achieve greater success. There is a shortage of trained professionals in the industry and the new courses would cater the increasing demands.
· www.winentrance.com/gemmology
· www.iigdelhi.com
· www.giionline.com
· Gemology Institute of India, 29,Gurukul Chambers, Mumbaidevi Road, Mumbai-2
· www.uce.ac.uk
· www.gemcitycollege.com
12. IPR courses
The World trade Organization envisages free trade of products in a transparent and competitive environment leading to smooth trading activities. Several agreements on Agriculture tariffs, subsidies, sanitary measures and intellectual property rights have come under a single roof of World Trade Organization (WTO) as GATT agreement. More than 100 countries including India knowingly or unknowingly entered in to this global trade regime to promote economic development across the globe. WTO forces member countries to open up their economy to a free flow of imports and exports. Market access, domestic market and TRIPS are the key elements pertaining to WTO in the Agriculture sector.
Recently in the post WTO era intellectual property rights acquires more importance. United Nations has started world intellectual property organization (WIPO) at Geneva in order to address the emerging issues. UNCTAD (United Nations council for trade and development) is funding projects on IPR issues for getting sustainable results. Patenting, copyrighting and trade marking should be emphasized now a days. As a sequel to growing importance given to IPR issues, there is a trend towards IPR in the educational and career sector within the country and abroad.
Globally various types of courses catering the need for addressing IPR issues at different levels are available in the higher education sector. Post graduate; post diploma and certificate courses on IPR are available in the country and abroad. Even though any graduate can join for the programme, science and engineering graduates will be given preference during admission process.
Major ob
IPR experts can ensure rights of creators and owners of intellectual property throughout the world. They can carry out tasks like administering international treaties and assist the governments, organizations, farmers, industries and private sector in the emerging IPR issues. There is increasing career potential for IPR professionals in different domains like patent laws, trade marking, patenting, geographical patents, regulatory system, etc. which is an emerging area of research. So there is great potential for scientists and teachers and lawyers in the higher education sector. Many professionals can diversify their activities related to IPR issues. Lawyers can specialize in patent laws and can work as consultants.
Different courses on intellectual property rights are available in the country.
Indira Gandhi national Open University has recently started one-year postgraduate diploma in intellectual property rights in collaboration with WIPO. Details can be had from www.ignou.ac.in.
Rajeev Gandhi institute of Intellectual property rights ba
Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheswara Law College, Mangalore has one year post diploma programme in IPR.
Many institutions are conducting four to six months certificate programmes in intellectual property rights. They are
1. SVKM institute of intellectual property studies, Vile Parle (W), Mumbai-56
Email- info@iips.ac.in
2. Academy of intellectual Property studies, Mumbai-104 Email- info@aips.ac.in
Post graduate Diploma programmes in IPR are available in Australia, Philippines, New Zealand, England, Ireland, The Netherlands, USA and Canada.
Collaborative programmes in IPR are available at Bangalore, Delhi, Chennai and Mumbai in association with University of Washington. Visit -www. Giipinfo.com
Japanese patent office and Japan Institute of Invention and Innovation is offering training and awareness programmes in intellectual property protection in India.
Canadian, Australian and UK institutions are offering advanced post graduate and post diploma programmes in IPR.
13. Environmental courses
Research on environmental issues related to agricultural and non-agricultural areas are acquiring momentum in the world. They focus on agricultural production and environmental protection, particularly biodiversity conservation and management. Applied research on environmental issues focuses on three areas of research. It includes conservation and management of species and habitat, ecology and value of ecosystem goods and services and the ecology of spatial and temporal scales.
Agricultural land use can result in population decline and range contraction of vulnerable species and the loss, fragmentation and degradation of important habitats. In order to conserve key species and habitats we need to assess how agriculture causes such adverse effects, and required to develop approaches to land management that restore damaged species and habitats. Research on the above issues will try to understand how species and habitats respond in order to improve our ability to design effective management in future. UK and US universities are playing an active role in the areas of sustainable agriculture, environmental issues, ecological studies and climate change through their need ba
Sustainable Environmental Management programmes develop a thorough grounding in both the theoretical and practical dimensions of environmental assessment, audit and policymaking and lead to careers with environmental consultancies and government agencies.
The sustainable management of natural resources is one of the most challenging issues facing the modern world. Only when we understand the relationships between human activities and the environment can we reconcile the conflicts between economic development and nature conservation.
As the effects of global warming are felt the demand for professionals able to address the challenge increases. The climate change problem transcends traditional academic boundaries and demands realistic and cost-effective solutions.
Climate Change and Sustainable Development course will help to understand the big picture of what sustainable development is? how it can be achieved, and how to deal with global climate change. It is also for people who want to learn practical skills enabling them to gain employment putting this understanding into practice.
Rapidly growing human population place extraordinary pressures on ecosystems like large-scale environmental destruction, habitat conservation, habitat fragmentation and pollution. This lead to emergence of conservation biology, an assemblage of scientific disciplines that are focused on sustaining biodiversity through co-operative synthesis of ideas, information and approaches. Biodiversity is the key in maintaining life. Conservation biology is the emerging branch of biology having immense research and career potential in the world. Recently conservation of flora and fauna has been picking up momentum in the country.
Environmental courses
·BE-Specialization in Environmental Studies
1. Andhra University, College of Engineering, Visakhapatanam-3
2. Delhi college of Engineering, New Delhi-42
3. L.D.College of Engineering, Ahmedabad-15
4. PES College of Engineering, Mandya
5. Visveswariah Technological University, Chikmanglur, Karnataka
6. Vidhya Vardhaka College of Engineering, Mysore-2
7. KIT’s College of Engineering, Kolhapur
·BSc Environmental Science
1. Barathiar University, Coimbatore
2. Manasagangothri, University of Mysore, Mysore-5
3. University of Pune, Pune
4. Patna University, Patna
5. Manipur university, Manipur
6. University of Delhi, New Delhi-7
7. South Gujarat University, Surat
8. S.N. College, Alathur, Palakkad, Kerala
· Post Graduate Programme
1. Kerala University, Kariavattom, Trivandrum
2. Christ College, Irinjalakkuda, Thrissur
3. St.John’s College, Anchal, Kollam
4. Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
5. Indian Institute of Science, Mumbai
6. Govt. Engineering College, Thrissur.www.gectr.edu
8. Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi-22. www.cusat.ac.in
9. All Saints College, Trivandrum
1. www.met.fsu.edu
2. www.wku.edu
3. www.kids.earth.nasa.gov
14. Dairy science
India being the largest milk producing country in the world, dairy science has better prospects in the country. Dairy science and Technology is one of the agriculture related courses having immense career potential in India and abroad. Moreover there is ample scope for higher education and research in this sector.
Graduate programmes in dairy science include BSc in Dairy science, Dairy science and Technology and BTech in Dairy Engineering. Students who completed plus two courses with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics and with 50 percent marks can apply for Dairy engineering courses. Biology is mandatory for BSc Dairying. Those who completed graduate programmes will be absorbed in private sector or public sector dairy plants, food processing units, Dairy science colleges, Banks, Retail management centers, etc. Nestle, Amul, walls, National dairy development Board, etc are some of the leading firms in the dairy sector in the country associated with value addition of milk. Dairy graduates can work as dairy extension officer in dairy department of the state. Milk marketing federations in the country need dairy experts in the areas of dairy engineering and quality control. Dairy science graduates can do post graduate programmes in dairy cattle production, dairy microbiology, dairy chemistry, dairy farm management, etc. Moreover they can work as consultants in the leading dairy farms and dairy plants.
Veterinary graduates can specialize in dairy science and technology so that they can associate with the veterinary services, procurement and marketing of milk and milk products. As a sequel to globalization there is immense potential for export of milk and milk products. But strict quality control measures should be adhered to. In order to maintain quality of the products leading dairy products firms and dairy plants will employ dairy microbiologists. High tech dairies are coming up in the country. Fully computerized Chitale dairy farm of Pune is an example. They need qualified dairy technologists.
Dairy experts have got immense overseas career potential both in Middle East and developed countries. Many leading dairy plants of UAE require qualified dairy technologists. Globally there is enough market potential for milk chocolates and dairy products. Dairy science graduates can do post graduation and research from USA, UK and Canada. Dairy technology is the best course in New Zealand, Switzerland and Denmark.
Institutions conducting Graduate programmes in dairy science and technology are
· College of Dairy science and technology, Kerala Agricultural University, Mannuthy, Thrissur-680651
· College of veterinary and Animal sciences, Sri Venkiteswara Veterinary University, Tirupathi, Andra Pradesh-517502
· Veterinary College, Veterinary University, Hebbal, Bangalore
· Sanjay Gandhi Institute of Dairy Science and Technology, Bihar
· Dairy science college, Gujarat Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat
· National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana
· Sanjay Gandhi institute of dairy Technology, Rajendra Agricultural University, Dhelwan, Lohiya Nagar, Patna-800020
Institutions conducting Postgraduate programmes in Dairy technology are
· College of Dairy Science, Gujarat Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat
· National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana
· National Dairy Research Institute, Bangalore Campus
· University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK campus, Hebbal, Bangalore
Along with Agricultural and Veterinary graduates, Dairy Science and technology graduates can join for the four semester postgraduate programmes in Agri business and supply chain management of National Institute of Extension Management (MANAGE), Rajendra Nagar, Hyderabad which is having better career prospects than any other course in the country. They can also join for MBA in Rural management at Institute of Rural Management, Anand, Gujarat or Indian institutes of management.
Dairy science and technology graduates can do post graduation and research from abroad. USA, UK and Canada are the best destinations for higher education and research. Apart from these countries, Australia, New Zeeland, Ireland, and Switzerland, Singapore and Malaysia started recruiting students from the country.
Academic excellence, Global edge in faculty and students, better facilities, resources and faculty, variety of options, flexible curricula, cutting edge technology, hands on training, better support services, financial assistance, challenging research opportunities and adaptation to different social environment are some of the major advantages. Good academic merit, individual capabilities including analytical skills, suitability to course and college and proficiency in English language are required for overseas education. Useful websites- www.ets.org, www.ieltsindia.com, www.gre.org
15. Conservation Science
Rapidly growing human population place extraordinary pressures on ecosystems like large-scale environmental destruction, habitat conservation, habitat fragmentation and pollution. This leads to emergence of conservation biology, an assemblage of scientific disciplines that are focused on sustaining biodiversity through co-operative synthesis of ideas, information and approaches. Biodiversity is the key in maintaining life. Conservation biology is the emerging branch of biology having immense research and career potential in the world. Recently conservation of flora and fauna has been picking up momentum in the country.
Developed countries are giving more importance to research on Conservation biology. There is immense potential for biology students to do conservation research abroad. Postgraduates in Zoology and Botany can do MS and PhD from USA and UK. They can start preparing for overseas education during their postgraduate study period itself. Students are required to complete TOEFL and GRE for getting admission in American universities. They can also join for one year MS programme from UK after completing IELTS with a score of minimum 6.5. ‘Extinction is forever. But for endangered, we can do some thing’ is the motto of some of the American universities having conservation research projects.
The concept of genome resource banks is a not new. Already biomaterials from crops and livestock are stored systematically, a development driven largely by economics and by the desire to ensure secure food sources. Large scale organized repositories of germplasm are more common for plants than for animals, since it is easier to store plant than animal germ plasm. Livestock sector has been benefited from large-scale sperm and embryo cryo preservation for the purpose of improving meat and milk production. Moreover a few programmmes bank biomaterials from animal models used in biomedical research to protect the long-term availability of standard genotypes of mice, rats, hamsters, rabbits, cats and dogs ensuring that researchers are working with uniform animal models which will give repeatable results.
Transgenic technology i.e., the ability to incorporate novel genes in to injected embryos has also resulted in the production of thousands of new animal models in the world. Although this technology has hastened research opportunities, the byproduct is a proliferation of animal colonies that require expensive housing and care. Cryo preservation of sperm and embryos are potentially valuable in the future.
The usefulness of banked germ plasm and embryos from humans, livestock and laboratory animals depends on assisted reproduction procedures like artificial insemination, embryo transfer and invitro fertilization. These procedures are sometimes enhanced by other techniques, such as intracytoplasmic sperm injection, in which an individual sperm cell is microinjected into an oocyte to create an embryo. Because a single semen sample often contains millions of sperm, this sample has almost unlimited fertilization.
16. Tourism
Graduate programmes related to International Tourism are designed for international tourism industry executives, Government officials and those who are interested in tourism and related sectors. Students can specialize in the issues arising from contemporary tourism around the world by taking an innovative, analytical and critical perspective on tourism and its relationship with the physical, cultural, economic and technological environments.
This specialist programme will provide an in-depth understanding of international tourism themes and issues. It will show you international tourism can be marketed and managed and how information technology can be effectively utilized in the tourism sector.
MS in International Tourism will provide a clear perspective of career opportunities of the travel and tourism industry and will have the capability to become a travel industry executive or a public sector tourism manager in India or abroad. Programme aimed at creating managers within the tourism sector will help to develop a strategic perspective while enhancing their management skills. Moreover this will provide a wide range of challenging, innovative and flexible learning, strategies that seek to develop the important leadership aspects of service managers.
17. Cryobiology
Cryobiology studies the effects of low temperatures and freezing of cells, tissues and organisms. These effects have great importance in many areas of biology including plant and animal science, entomology, microbiology, medical sciences, veterinary medicine and food science. This course will provide a sound theoretical and practical education and training in cryobiology. Moreover it will be beneficial to students who are interested to do research in related disciplines. The course curriculum includes theoretical aspects of cryobiology, cryopreservation and conservation, including practical and research methodologies, biomedical applications and conservation of biodiversity.
In Canada, UK and USA, Cryobiology Students will have access to excellent laboratories, comprehensive learning resources and opportunities to study laboratory-ba
On successful completion of the MSc Cryobiology (Cryopreservation and Conservation) students will be equipped to undertake work in areas such as tissue and organ transplants, veterinary science, agriculture and aquaculture, assisted reproduction, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and the conservation of endangered species.
18. Palliative Care & Public Health
Recently Palliative care has been getting more attention in the health care system. Postgraduate programme in palliative care through its innovative work-ba
Globally MSc palliative care has become a significant focus area for development within multiple healthcare settings like hospitals, nursing homes and community care centers. So there is immense career potential for experienced practitioners or graduates seeking basic palliative care skills.
‘Prevention is better than cure’; so the public health system acquires more importance. It can control epidemics and can act as a pre-requisite for the health care system. Courses on public health are aimed at medically and non-medically qualified people. This include those in primary or secondary care, nursing and professions related to medicine, health promotion, healthcare research, health management and anyone wishing to develop a career in public health. The student will benefit from an innovative work-ba
19. Social Work
In UK, MSc Social Work course is an emerging programme for professional social work practice. It has been developed in conjunction with a range of statutory and voluntary partner agencies to reflect the changing needs of social work as a profession.
Combining practical experience and academic study, the course is designed for students who already have a degree in a social science discipline and allows them to undertake a postgraduate qualification, which reflects and recognizes their previous experience.
The course aims to develop valuable experience in the rapidly changing and challenging field of social work from practice placements in a variety of social care settings. For more details on social work courses in UK, visit the website www.gscc.org.uk or contact through email bursaries@gscc.org.uk.
Successful completion of the MSc Social Work will enable to pursue a career in social work in a range of statutory, voluntary and private sector organizations.
20. Real estate courses
Real estate Business has acquired the status of one of the most profitable ventures in the country. Economists suggest that real estate finance, investment and appraisal are some of the emerging areas. In the Globalised era even during recession there is enough job potential for courses related to real estate in the country and abroad.
Recently many universities in UK are offering real estate courses. They offer Postgraduate programmes in corporate real estate & facilities management, Real estate investment & Finance and Real estate appraisal. These courses are of 24 months duration with an option to complete the course within a period of 72 months. All the modules within the above modular masters programmes are available on a continuing professional development basis. Students are required to attend the taught programme in the university for a short duration, i.e., up to one semester and the rest of the course period can be completed on a continuing professional development basis through Internet. Students who completed four-year degree programme or postgraduates can apply for the e real estate courses.
MSc Corporate Real estate and facilities management course is aimed at professionals employed in real estate market. This will help the student to acquire skills and knowledge necessary to manage complex corporate real estate portfolios in the emerging business context. The course includes corporate real estate, strategy, practice, finance and performance management. MSc real estate investment and finance can be used both as an entry in to the expanding area of real estate finance and investment. MSc real estate appraisal is aimed at developing successful career in commercial real estate sector. The programme focuses on economics, ethics, law and environment pertaining to real estate globally.
One of the pioneering universities in UK, University of Reading is offering postgraduate programmes in real estate management. Since the taught course duration at Reading is of short period, students can complete the programme at a lesser expense. Those who require financial support during their stay at Reading can do part time work @ 20 hours per week.
For more details visit www.reading.ac.uk/rep
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